const seeded = Fiona(1322672)
For demonstration purposes, a seed of 1322672
is used, but changing this should render different, but consistent results.
A seeded array generation utility, which takes qty
(how many items in array) and a callback that is called with seeded
which should return the value of each array item.
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(10, Fiona.Number)
// output
You can also pass a callback for access to the seeded instance, which can be useful for adding distribution weighting to values
// input
const spreadLow = i => i ** 10
const numberCallback = seeded => seeded.distribution(spreadLow).number()
Fiona(1322672).array(10, numberCallback)
// output
A seeded array generation utility, which generates an array of data by calling Fiona.Array
but filters out duplicates.
// input
Fiona(1322672).unique(10, Fiona.Number({ min: 1, max: 5 }))
// output
The result should be similar to calling Fiona.Array
but duplicates are skipped over and the next non-duplicated value is moved up in the output array.
// input
array: Fiona(1322672).array(10, Fiona.Number({ min: 1, max: 15 }),
unique: Fiona(1322672).unique(10, Fiona.Number({ min: 1, max: 15 }),
// output
When searching for non-duplicated values, there is a danger of searching forever for values that don't exist, in which case an error is thrown when a threshold is reached. The threshold is defined by the `duplicateLimit` property and by default is set to twice the length of the array being generated.
// input
Fiona(1322672).unique(3, Fiona.Bool)
// output
// Error: Too many duplicates
// input
Fiona(1322672).unique(5, Fiona.OneOf([1,2,3,4,5]), { duplicateLimit: 20 })
// output
When determining if elements are duplicates, for simple values like strings and numbers, it works as expected, but if two objects look the same, but are different instances, then we need to provide a comparator function that receives the left and right sides of the comparrison as arguments and returns true when they are considered a duplicate. In this example, the objects are compared by their id alone ti identify duplicates, even when the value is different.
// input
Fiona(1322672).unique(3, Fiona.OneOf([
{id:1, value: "a"},
{id:2, value: "b"},
{id:1, value: "c"},
{id:3, value: "d"},
{id:2, value: "e"},
{id:4, value: "f"},
{id:5, value: "g"},
{id:6, value: "h"},
{id:4, value: "i"},
{id:7, value: "j"}
]), { comparator: (left, right) => === })
// output
A seeded utility to return true or false. Takes `chance` option to change the probability of true as decimal value between 0 and 1 which defaults to 0.5.
// input
// output
// input
Fiona(1322672).string`The rumour is ${Fiona.Bool}`
// output
"The rumour is false"
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(5, Fiona.Bool({ chance: 0.3 }))
// output
A seeded weighted method to select a specified number of items from a passed array.
// input
Fiona(1322672).choose(2, ['pink', 'powder blue', 'purple'])
// output
Like `Fiona.OneOf`, the current distribution function will influence the choice.
// input
Fiona(1322672).distribution(i => i * i * i).choose(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
// output
A seeded utility to return a date as a string in format `YYYY-MM-DD`. Range is between `min` and `max` options, which default to 1940 and 2000 and can be overridden with strings parsable by the native `Date()` method. There is also a `long` to output full `Date.prototype.toISOString` format.
// input
min: '1980',
max: '2080',
long: true
// output
A seeded utility to return a data uri of an SVG placeholder image, which takes optional arguments for width and height.
// input
width: 200,
height: 100
// output
data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%0A%20 ... etc ... %20%20%20%3C%2Fsvg%3E%0A%20%20
data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%0A%20 ... etc ... %20%20%20%3C%2Fsvg%3E%0A%20%20
A seeded utility to help to produce duplicated data sometimes. By default, the seed will be picked from a pool of 10 possibilities, 10 per cent of the time.
In this example, the pool is 2, and the frequency is 0.6 so the numbers will be 373260 or 153925, 60% of the time, and the other numbers will be pseudo random according to the input seed.
// input
Fiona(1322672).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322673).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322674).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322675).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322676).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322677).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322678).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322679).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322680).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322681).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
Fiona(1322682).duplicable({ frequency: 0.6, pool: 2 }).number()
// output
A method to return current data object as json string.
// input
fullname: Fiona.Fullname,
age: Fiona.Number({ max: 100 })
// output
"fullname": "Sir Harry Paterson-Anderson",
"age": 5
n.b. the Fiona.Json
method proxies through to Fiona.Object
then formats the output, so all arguments accepted by Fiona.Object
are accepted by Fiona.Json
A seeded utility to return gibberish text, optionally takes `qty` which is the number of words which defaults to `1`.
// input
// output
// input
Fiona(1322672).gibberish({ qty: 20 })
// output
"raof ings wetwingetern fobvieshimider hinghoranage ies ubemaning asapevewet ret aris tafvies wofen alacex causweveocpis ingeropmi wisorkershun ersar verhis wa bestanlase"
By setting syllableMin
and syllableMax
properties, the word length can be influenced.
// input
Fiona(1322672).gibberish({ qty: 20, syllableMin: 1, syllableMax: 2 })
// output
"ra ded tuntup etern fobvies imi erned horan age ral beman pan ap tup estmau el ingscin hoftat ac ac"
// input
Fiona(1322672).gibberish({ qty: 20, syllableMin: 5, syllableMax: 8 })
// output
"raofedrofmofraplernwasnout himidernedvedhanageernraltain espanageeltupdestmauarisings inpelwofenacersatpocausweveocpis ingeropmiwudorkershunageapas kingisofbimbestanlaseernoppetau bapmaringauskexsingadsageningsishorer ingsupladendisadetenceingganaustel nernversevemelnethelbesoc dermobenceobacgapdageafapmeler mingelernanunnitwanalaliaf estrimtiespadenrafernvenanad atinggitauwiscausriting ernberworelbiesnercofaucisnatmac etlasageaocpadbadlageersopoc lersingsrexuerkalimdaus annextouttuwersenteseseninsing dingstoutvufarditocadesiceled robesthunrubiesmeoutmesersbestence gasinggarwielisenceangevewevenob"
// input
Fiona(1322672).gibberish({ qty: 20, syllableMin: 2, syllableMax: 10 })
// output
"raof ings wetwingeternwas vieshimiderned horanageernral bemaningdasapeve manretenceelhingscin hoftatesalacex causweveocpis ingeropmiwu orkershunageap outking dofbimbest ing ersaren petauvacoffankaus exsingadsagenings red erbingsupladendis al"
A seeded utility to return lorem ipsum text, optionally takes `qty` which is approximate number of words and defaults to `15`.
// input
Fiona(1322672).lorem({ qty: 3 })
Fiona(1322672).lorem({ qty: 50 })
// output
velit pariatur amet consectetur culpa dolore laboris excepteur do adipisicing est in qui laborum sint
velit pariatur amet
velit pariatur amet consectetur culpa dolore laboris excepteur do adipisicing est in qui laborum sint exercitation dolor voluptate reprehenderit officia incididunt ea tempor eiusmod id occaecat sunt ut elit sit aliquip ullamco anim in nulla in non fugiat quis commodo ex magna nostrud eu cillum dolor duis proident ad mollit
A seeded weighted method to select one item from a passed array.
// input
Fiona(1322672).oneOf(['pink', 'powder blue', 'purple'])
// output
The current distribution function will influence the choice, so for example, elements appearing earlier are more likely to be chosen when a weighting reduces the pseudo random values.
// input
Fiona(1322672).distribution(i => i * i * i).oneOf([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
// output
A seeded utility to return a paragraph of lorem ipsum text.
// input
// output
Pariatur sit amet culpa et ullamco excepteur sed consectetur est in qui laborum sint nostrud velit incididunt in officia tempor ex eiusmod dolor id adipisicing. Quis in dolor irure voluptate officia magna commodo pariatur esse aliquip sint elit ea mollit et nostrud enim aliqua ut sit excepteur proident ut est. Sit veniam eu aute et consectetur nulla fugiat ut dolor aliqua tempor ea velit qui laborum adipisicing exercitation esse cupidatat dolore consequat in commodo reprehenderit.
A very general use, seeded utility to generate a string that matches a supplied regular expression. It uses the randexp library to expand expressions, seeded by the instance of Fiona.
// input
Fiona(1322672).regex(/[01]{8} (ro|cy)bo(rg|t)s/)
// output
11001001 cybots
When recursing objects, strings and arrays, any regex that's found will be
// input
Fiona(1322672).object({ army: /[01]{8} (ro|cy)bo(rg|t)s/, luckyNumber: Fiona.Number({ max: 10 }) })
// output
{"army":"10110100 robots","luckyNumber":2}
// input
Fiona(1322672).string`There is an army of ${/[01]{8} (ro|cy)bo(rg|t)s/} on their way!`
// output
There is an army of 10101000 robots on their way!
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(3, /[01]{8} (ro|cy)bo(rg|t)s/)
// output
["10101000 robots","11001110 roborgs","00100101 cyborgs"]
n.b. the regex method is only available on the main Fiona package and is not avaliable on the Fiona core package which focusses on being very light so does not include the external libraries required to expand regular expressions.
A seeded utility to return a sentence of lorem ipsum text.
// input
// output
Velit pariatur amet consectetur culpa dolore laboris excepteur do adipisicing est in qui laborum sint exercitation dolor voluptate reprehenderit officia incididunt ea tempor eiusmod id.
A seeded utility to return a number, taking options min and max and precision, which default to 0 and 1,000,000 and 0.
// input
Fiona(1322672).number({ max: 10 })
Fiona(1322672).number({ min: 10, max: 20 })
// output
If you add a precision, instead of an integer you will get a float rounded to specified precision.
// input
Fiona(1322672).number({ precision: 2 })
Fiona(1322672).number({ precision: -2 })
// output
A seeded utility to shuffle passed array, without modifying the original input.
// input
Fiona(1322672).shuffle(['my', 'is', 'Fiona', 'name', 'Moon']).join(' ')
// output
is name Moon my Fiona
n.b. this method is actually shorthand for seeded.choose(arr.length, arr)
A seeded utility to return a single word from lorem ipsum text.
// input
// output
A utility to manipulate the result of seeded random nambers, allowing control over the distribution of values. Distribution functions influence Fiona.Random
, Fiona.Bool
, Fiona.Number
, Fiona.OneOf
, Fiona.Choice
and any other methods that rely on them. The primary use case for this method is to create more realistic data.
The distribution method sets the distribution function on a seeded instance so that future calls to seeded.random
are passed through the distribution function.
// input
Fiona(1322672).distribution(i => i ** 3).number()
// output
In most cases the upper and lower limits remain the same, but the distribution of the values in between change as with all the predefined functions, but you can also create custom functions that can be used for any purpose, for example to clamp outputs to min and max values.
// input
const clamp = i => i < 0.5 ? 0.5 : i > 0.7 ? 0.7 : i
Fiona(1322672).distribution(clamp).number({ max: 100 })
// output
// value is clamped from 0.5-0.7
// value is clamped from 50-70
Seeded version of native Math.random
// input
// output
A seeded utility to return male
or female
evenly distributed.
// input
// output
A seeded utility to return a salutation, optionally taking a gender to adhere to.
// input
Fiona(1322672).title() // can be either gender
Fiona(1322672).title({ gender: 'male' }) // always male
// output
The data used to generate names and salutations is exposed as Fiona.namedata
which can be inspected, and modified. The data is based on Scottish census records and is structured like this sample:
Fiona.namedata = {
male: {
firstname: ['Jack', 'James', /* etc... */ 'Hunter', 'Zachary'],
title: ['Mr', 'Dr', 'Sir', 'Lord']
female: {
firstname: ['Fiona', 'Aria', 'Mia', /* etc... */ 'Matilda', 'Lauren'],
title: ['Miss', 'Mrs', 'Dr', 'Ms', 'Dame']
lastname: ['Moon', 'Smith', 'Brown', /* etc... */ 'Mitchell', 'Fraser']
To change the namedata, you can assign new values to the properties of Fiona.namedata
but not the object itself.
// input
Object.assign(Fiona.namedata, {
male: {
firstname: ['Austin', 'Ambrose', 'Andre', 'Arturo'],
title: ['Lord', 'Baron', 'Count']
female: {
firstname: ['Antonietta', 'Antonina', 'Marian', 'Antonetta'],
title: ['Madam', 'Madame', 'Maid']
// output
Dr Cooper Oliver Moon
Baron Andre Ambrose Moon
A seeded utility to return a single firstname, optionally taking a gender to adhere to.
// input
Fiona(1322672).firstname() // can be either gender
Fiona(1322672).firstname({ gender: 'male' }) // always male
// output
A seeded utility to return a single surname.
// input
// output
A seeded utility to return a full name, optionally taking a gender to adhere to. This is useful for producing more realistic name data where people might have multiple first and middle names, and sometimes double barrel lastnames joined with hyphen.
// input
Fiona(1322672).fullname() // can be either gender
Fiona(1322672).fullname({ gender: 'male' }) // always male
// output
Dr Cooper Oliver Moon
Mr Kyle Ross
Method that returns info about seeded instance, currently only the initseed
property is exposed. The initseed can be used to faithfully reproduce data given the same structure.
// input
// output
Method that returns the initseed
of the seeded instance.
// input
// output
Method that returns current index (or object key) within structure of seeded instance.
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(3, seeded => seeded.index())
// output
// input
index1: seeded => seeded.index(),
index2: seeded => seeded.index(),
nested: {
deeply: seeded => seeded.index()
inArray: [seeded => seeded.index()]
// output
"index1": "index1",
"index2": "index2",
"nested": {
"deeply": "deeply"
"inArray": [
// input
// output
Method that returns current path within structure of seeded instance.
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(3, seeded => seeded.path())
// output
// input
path1: seeded => seeded.path(),
path2: seeded => seeded.path(),
nested: {
deeply: seeded => seeded.path()
inArray: [seeded => seeded.path()]
// output
"path1": [
"path2": [
"nested": {
"deeply": [
"inArray": [
// input
// output
A utility for extending Fiona with custom methods, either as a one off, or for re-usable components.
n.b. see Extending section in Overview
The Fiona.register
method accepts one argument which should be a function that takes a seeded instance, and returns either a value, or the seeded instance to allow chaining.
In this example we will create a person
extension that generates some data for a person, ensuring the gender is correct for each data item.
const person = (seeded, { gender }) => seeded.object({
gender: seeded => gender || Fiona.Gender,
title: ({ data }) => Fiona.Title({ gender: data.gender }),
firstname: ({ data }) => Fiona.Firstname({ gender: data.gender }),
lastname: Fiona.Surname
Fiona.register(['person', person])
Alternatively, if you are registering a named function, you can jut pass the function and the name of the function will be used in registration
Multiple functions can be registered in one call by passing multiple arguments, and configured constructor shorthands can be used to define extensions. For example, to register the person
, and luckyNumber
extensions, you can do something like this.
Fiona.register(person, ['luckyNumber', Fiona.Number({ max: 10 })])
A person
method is added to seeded instances
// input
// output
"gender": "male",
"title": "Sir",
"firstname": "Matthew",
"lastname": "Taylor"
Arguments are passed through, so in this case specifying the gender
// input
Fiona(1322672).person({ gender: 'female' })
// output
"gender": "female",
"title": "Dr",
"firstname": "Eva",
"lastname": "Taylor"
A Fiona.Person
constructor is added to use as shorthand
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(3, Fiona.Person)
// output
"gender": "female",
"title": "Miss",
"firstname": "Lillie",
"lastname": "Stewart"
"gender": "male",
"title": "Dr",
"firstname": "Jacob",
"lastname": "Brown"
"gender": "female",
"title": "Miss",
"firstname": "Esme",
"lastname": "Stewart"
The shorthand constructor can also take arguments by calling it as a function
// input
Fiona(1322672).array(3, Fiona.Person({ gender: 'female' }))
// output
"gender": "female",
"title": "Miss",
"firstname": "Lillie",
"lastname": "Stewart"
"gender": "female",
"title": "Dr",
"firstname": "Charlotte",
"lastname": "Brown"
"gender": "female",
"title": "Miss",
"firstname": "Esme",
"lastname": "Stewart"
A method that recurses a passed data structure to resolve it's values.
// input
fullname: Fiona.Fullname,
age: Fiona.Number({ max: 100 }),
luckyNumber: seeded => seeded.number({ max: 10 })
// output
"fullname": "Sir Harry Paterson-Anderson",
"age": 5,
"luckyNumber": 2
Data from prior values can be accessed on data
attribute of seeded value passed to function values.
// input
luckyNumber: seeded => seeded.number({ max: 10 }),
unluckyNumber: seeded => 10 -
// output
"luckyNumber": 2,
"unluckyNumber": 8
Objects can be nested
// input
name: {
gender: Fiona.Gender,
title: seeded => seeded.title({ gender: }),
firstname: seeded => seeded.firstname({ gender: }),
middlenames: seeded => seeded.array(3, Fiona.Firstname({ gender: }), ' '),
lastname: seeded => seeded.surname({ gender: })
// output
"name": {
"gender": "male",
"title": "Lord",
"firstname": "Max",
"middlenames": "Jamie Josh Kayden",
"lastname": "Anderson"
"age": 5
A method to populate stirng literal template with resolved values.
// input
Fiona(1322672).string`Hi ${Fiona.Firstname}, how are you?`
// output
"Hi Mila, how are you?"